Saturday, 29 March 2014

Teutoburg Forest AD9

Metallics on the Roman

I have my hands on the new Scale 75 Gold n' Alchemy metallic set. Love them to bits, every bit as good as the steel set. They come with some nice alchemy colours including a light pink, a dark pink and a green which will be great with the steel set for reflected light.  Here are the results.

Teutoburg Forest AD9

Progress with the Germanic Warrior

While waiting for the new Scale 75 Gold N' Alchemy set to arrive I'v made some progress with the German, who I'm thinking is of the noble caste since he's wielding a sword and I'm choosing to give him a fancy cloak.

First off the face has been done using my usual Jo Sonja and wet palette approach.

Next up I have pre-highlighted the clothing again with Jo Sonja

Then the rough sketching in of the cloak pattern.

That's where he's at at the moment. Gold paint on it's way so back to the Roman next!

Monday, 17 March 2014

Teutoburg Forest

Groundwork and beginning painting

I've been able to get back to this over recent weeks and have completed the groundwork using a variety of materials all supplied from Reality In Scale or handmade by me.Model Scene Laser-cut paper dry ferns, low weeds, common sedge and Hart's-tongue were painted first (although they do come pre-coloured) before being cut off and positioned. Some Best Soldiers autumn scatter and Model Scene autumn leaves have also been added over a painted base of Vallejo Flat Earth, US Drab and German Camo Black. Mini-Natur autumn grass clumps have also been added along with some more home-made mushrooms placed near the growth on the dead stump and log.

After all this fiddly work with tweezers and pva I was eager to make a start on the figure painting!

Began the Roman by airbrushing some Jo Sonja reds over the black basecoat working up to some extreme highlights using Napthol red and Jaune brilliant. this was all toned down with a brush using Vallejo red thinned with Tamiya acrylic thinners to create a glaze, still more work to do on it but I want to wait until the other parts are painted to get the overall feel for feel for how it's gonna look.

Next I started the flesh and roughed in the colours for the cloth strips hanging at the shoulders and skirt and basecoated the metal areas.

The new set of Scale 75 steel colours arrived Saturday morning and keen to try them out I painted the shin armour. These paints are super smooth and shiny, the pigments have been ground incredibly fine. Best set of metallics I've ever used.

The first 4 are progressively lighter shades of silver and the last 4 are coloured metallics, kind of like a pearl effect, they blend in brilliantly. Really great paints.

Still plenty of work left here but he's coming together.