70mm Roman & Germanic Warrior
This has become a bit of a slow burner of a project with little bits of work being done here and there. Not going to rush this one!Whilst painting busts I have been doing a bit of work on the bases for these figures using a mixture of putty and natural materials.
I was searching for a suitable twig to use as a log for the Roman to be putting his front foot on but couldn't find one with a bark that I was happy with so I ended up stripping a twig of it's bark and supergluing bark from another branch cutting (which had bark that I liked but was the wrong shape) onto it.
Here with the bark being added to the stripped twig.
The twig "re-barked" and in place on the base
For the Germanic Warriors bas I wanted a rotten stump as a feature which I made out of MagicSculpt.
Here it is in it's various stages of completion.
A spray of Jo Sonjas Carbon Black has been applied to both bases and figures at which point I remembered that I had made some mushrooms to attach to the stump and log which I have now put on after the priming.
Still a long way to go with building up this groundwork.
More soon.............