Thursday, 18 September 2014

16e Regiment de Dragons Waterloo 1815

Boxart for CGS Military Figures

1/9th scale French Dragoon Waterloo

Here is the latest boxart that I have painted for my friend Graham at CGS Military Figures

No WIP pictures at the moment as I'm preparing a magazine article for this.

Friday, 29 August 2014

2nd Regt. Velites Of The Guard Officer


Here are the finished images of my 54mm Velites of the Guard Officer. Base has been finished in a faux marble effect using acrylics. The veining was done by painting over the base-coat with Amsterdam acrylic retarder and then applying the vein colour onto the wet surface. This technique allows for some diffusion of the paint for a more realistic marble effect.

Sunday, 17 August 2014

2nd Regt. Velites of the Guard Officer

Working on the golds

More work today, this time on the golds. Once again I have used the Scale 75 acrylics metallics for this blended with some Vallejo. Starting with a dark mix base-coat of Vallejo Black, Leather Brown, Yellow Ochre and some Scale 75 Elven Gold I have gradually applied highlights by adding first more Elven Gold and Yellow Ochre and then incorporating some Scale 75 Citrine Alchemy to mix to highlight further.

Friday, 15 August 2014

2nd Regt. Velites of the Guard Officer

Continuing with the face in oils and moving onto the uniform.

Having just finished a project for a magazine article I've found the time to get back to this figure. As with the Crimean Grenadier bust I've opted to over-paint the acrylics with oils. The face and bearskin were the first to receive this treatment.

Oil mix used for the flesh consisted of Titanium White; Yellow Ochre; Cadmium Red; Naples Yellow; Burnt Sienna; Raw Umber; Viridian Green; Mars Black; Purple Madder.

Moving on to the uniform I pre-painted the white using the Scale 75 Black and White paint set working from dark to light using Petroleum Grey, Brown Grey, Rainy Grey, Thar Brown, Mojave White and White. This was then over-painted in oil using mixes that mirrored the 6 different acrylics. Oils used to achieve these colours were Titanium White; Yellow Ochre; Raw Umber; Burnt Umber; Mars Black; Purple Madder.  

The red is again Scale 75 acrylics over-painted with the following oil colours: Alazarin Crimson; Cadmium Red; Titanium White; Mars Black.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Grenadier Guards Officer Crimea 1854


I'm calling this one done now having painted the greatcoat with the oils and metals with Scale 75 acrylics.
The oil mix for the greatcoat is as follows. Paynes Grey midtones, Paynes Grey + Jaune Brilliant first highlight, White + Cobalt Blue + Paynes Grey second highlight, Paynes Grey + Alazarin Crimson + Prussian Blue for shades, Cobalt Blue + Alazarin Crimson + Burnt Umber for deepest shade. Dioxazine Purple and Prussian Blue added for some tonal changes alla prima.

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Grenadier Guards Officer Crimea 1854

More work in acrylics and oils

Started work on the chinstraps using Scale 75 metallics and I have primed up the bearskin in Jo Sonja's in preparation for a coat of oils, looks pretty garish at the moment!

Now after a wash of Mars Black oil paint, some of the blue is still too strong at this point but further work will be done after it's dry.

Tunic has now been done. Again using oils over Jo Sonja's acrylic. Some Alazarin Crimson, Cadmium Red and Cadmium Scarlet for the main red tones. Shaded by adding Cadmium Green and a spot of Lamp Black to the Alazarin Crimson and Jaune Brilliant to the Cadmium Scarlett for the top highlights.
Sash is Alazarin Crimson highlighted by adding white.
Also a bit of further highlight work on the bearskin with oils although the blues are still looking a little bright in the photos.

Straps have now been done, again oils over Jo Sonja's both for the leather and the white. For the leather Burnt Umber, Mars Black, Venetian Red, Cadmium Orange and Naples Yellow were used. The whites consisted of White (obviously), Raw Umber and Yellow Ochre. The greatcoat has been prepared for the oil layer with some pre-highlighting in the Jo Sonja's.

Sunday, 29 June 2014

Grenadier Guards Officer Crimea 1854

1/12 bust of Grenadier Guards Officer Crimea 1854

Stormtrooper Miniatures sculpted by Moz Corrie

Another project that I'm working on in tandem with the 54mm Velites of the Guard Officer.

First off I have used the airbrush to undercoated the flesh and coat over the top of an initial black primer. This has been done with Scale 75 acrylics.

The final finish for the face will be done in oils so here I'm roughing out some colours for the flesh tones in acrylics.

A little more refinement for the oil paint undercoat, about one hours work in total.

Now the oils paints. I have premixed a number of flesh tones and applied them in their appropriate areas of shade, highlight, mid-tone etc to avoid any muddying of the colours. Transitions are then blended and a little alla prima (wet-on-wet) work has been done adding tones and enhancing highlights. About half an hours work in total. He's still wet in these images below.


Saturday, 28 June 2014

2nd Regt. Velites of the Guard Officer

54mm Romeo Models Velites of the Guard Officer 1814-15

My next 54mm project this lovely little figure sculpted by Maurizio Bruno for Romeo Models.

I will be using acrylics for this.

Here's the boxart.

Once assembled I have used the Scale 75 Black and White paint set to airbrush a basecoat leaving a pre-shade/highlight to work on.

Face has been painted first after wrapping the body in protective clingfilm. Painted exclusively using the Scale 75 Flesh paint set.